Entrance and Corridor

Entrance and Corridor

Choose the right exposure for the hallway and the entrance hall: from ceiling lamps to wall appliques, many ideas and design solutions to give light and embellish your spaces. Refined lamps like the rectangular ones in Murano melting glass with golden leafes are now available only on Italian Light Store. Modern items such as mini cube wall lamps in adorned chalk, wall appliques with flowery decors and all the range of customizable appliques. Always the right choice!  

ASTRO Lamp, Chest of drawers, Modern h50 with Curls in the Glass 206.123 Metallux ASTRO Lamp, Chest of drawers, Modern h50 with Curls in the Glass 206.123 Metallux
Metal Lux Light snc
€522.16 €469.94

Table lamp and Chest of drawers modern, 3 lights, in metal CHROME finish or 24K GOLD, with speakers in the shape of a curl in pyrex glass, available in many colors, the Astro collection of Metal Lux Lighting.

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